Young Women's Groups
This is essentially the same format as adult women’s group with no more than 8 young women who are separated into either a pre-adolescent or adolescent group. We meet more frequently, every 2 weeks. Special groups that meet weekly can be made available upon request if scheduling allows.
This is a crucial time to connect girls to one another productively with all the answers and secrets given on how to be a woman in the world. They are shown in real time how to trust and how to be trustworthy with women and how to build bonds that can last a lifetime. Once your girl hits age 13 things can happen at such a rapid pace that it feels like a wildfire you can’t and really should not extinguish. These groups can help guide and control so much of the damage that can happen during this time and breach the loneliness that especially engulfs teenagers. |
Teens are developmentally focused on peers at this point in their life and the lessons of adults fade into the background as noise. They are excited to have a space to discuss absolutely everything with one another and it is a profound treasure that they enthusiastically allow me be the reality check and guide; following their lead and helping understand what readiness really looks and feels like and what self-love and self-esteem actually are. In all honestly it is one of my favorite things to do in this work and I have run countless groups over the years.